Dad Chats LiveEducationParenting

Dad Chats Live - Parental Life Lessons

2 Mins read

Dad Chats Live – 12 September 2020. Talking about parental life lessons, curling parents, and dad computer games. This week we delved into the life lessons we give our children. Some life lessons are more important than others, and some really stick with us. Have you given any life lessons to your children yet? Can you remember the parental life…

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All about the parentsDad WorriesEarly YearsEducationParenting

Being Supportive During the Transition to School or Nursery

3 Mins read
Your baby is finally going to school or nursery You’ve bumbled through the first 36 months and somehow your child seems to be adjusting well to living in this world with you as a parent. You’ve navigated sleepless nights, weaning, teething, crawling, walking, the terrible twos, potty training and more. Now…supposedly… you’ve got to pack your little one off for…