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Dad Chats Live – The Importance Of A Good Parenting Network

Dad Chats Live – 30 October 2020, Parenting Network.

This week we are coming to you live from @mamashelterlondon. Mama Shelter is a brilliant, family friendly hotel, who kindly let us host Dad Chats from their space!

This week, we delve into parenting network. We know that having a parenting network for support is incredibly important – that’s why we are building this one after all! For some, that includes their family, for others that isn’t available to them. So we asked our crew all about their experiences. We wanted to know about their relationships with their families, how involved are your parents when it comes to your kids, do you find it easy turning to the family for support?

Then we moved into the support we have outside of our families. You know what they say… it takes a village to raise a child. And no-man is an island. So who is in your village? What support do you have around you – friends, colleagues, fellow Dadvengers? We loved hearing about our communities support networks, and what they get from them?

Last up – and with Halloween tomorrow, we asked for your funny Halloween stories. Maybe your kids did something hilarious, or maybe you got drunk at a Halloween party and want to tell us your story? Whatever it was – we wanted to hear it all!

Topics we covered:

1. Raising children when you don’t get on with your parents or family.

2. Do you have a good support network outside your family?

3. Funny Halloween stories. With Saturday being Halloween, we want to hear your Halloween stories.

More On Support for Parents.

Do you know why Nigel started the Dadvengers Initiative? It is all about supporting dads to be the best they can – Nigel wrote a post about it called “The Dadvengers Initiative – Supporting Dads on Their Parenting Journey” which tells you all about it.

Supporting dads is what we are all about! We have a few other posts and Dad Chats on the subject that you might like:

Part 1: Parenting Network

Part 2:

Did you enjoy this dad chats? Find more of our great chats here!

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