Welcome to Dadvengers
The posts on the Dadvengers Dad Blog are here to support fathers on their journey through parenthood. The posts are curated by Founder Nigel Clarke and written by you our Dadvengers followers. Whether you are a father, a mother, a soon to be dad, a grandad, grandma, a carer, a parenting professional, a parenting blogger we want you to get involved. Maybe you want to submit a post or perhaps just drop a comment on a post, it doesn’t matter, we want to hear from you. Tell us your experiences, make suggestions, and generally bring your thoughts to the table.
Dad Chats Live
Each week, the Dadvengers take to Instagram Live to discuss various topics. You can view the latest chats below
Dad Chats Live – Difficult questions our kids ask
Last nights Dad Chats was all about the difficult questions…
Featured Articles
Is there a secret to Dads and the Work-Life Balance
Before Coronavirus Pandemic At the start of the year I wasn’t worried about Dads and the Work-Life Balance. It was all hustle, work hard and always be on the grind….
Expectant Fathers Online Course
Our 4 week course for expectant fathers is held on Zoom so it’s easily accessible for anyone in the UK with an internet connection to attend. It’s run in cohorts…
5 Great Craft Ideas for Dads and Kids
When we think about crafting, images of glue and paint everywhere instantly come to mind! But these craft ideas for dads are not only easy to do, they will show…
Top Tips to Help You be the Best Birth Partner!
With a baby on the way, you need to start thinking about labour and birth, and how to be the best birth partner you can. But, what comes to your…
How to Cope as a Dad Living With PTSD
*** Trigger Warning – This post deals with sensitive subjects that some people may find upsetting, namely child death and baby loss. If you are affected by any of the…
Celebrity Dad Quotes
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I stumbled across a DadChat live video one time by accident after I started following them. Next minute, I’m on the video and several people who I had just connected with on Instagram were commenting their warm and welcoming wishes. It’s so great to be able to chat over things in parenting life and know that we’re all pretty much… Read more “In one word: Welcoming!”
Wow what an amazing group! I came across Dadvengers when looking for support for dads. I meet a lot of new patents running my classes and often get asked about support groups. There are a lot of mum groups but not so many for the dads! But this page and dad chats is just brilliant, so real and down to… Read more “Dads Supporting Dads”