
We are lucky enough to have a very supportive community of parents who believe in Dadvengers and what we are trying to achieve. Here are some testimonials from some of those wonderful people who have felt the help and support that Dadvengers brings.

If you would like to submit your own testimonial please scroll to the bottom of this page and fill out the form.

Dadvengers Testimonials

I have been part of the dadvengers crew for about 6 months now. I have been made so welcome to it. Everyone is so supportive and kind. It’s been a huge help in my life and I will never look back. I am so thankful I am a part of this community. The advice I have received from fellow parents have been amazing. They have helped me communicate better as a parent and as a person.

Gareth Edwards

Wow what an amazing group! I came across Dadvengers when looking for support for dads. I meet a lot of new patents running my classes and often get asked about support groups. There are a lot of mum groups but not so many for the dads! But this page and dad chats is just brilliant, so real and down to earth with amazing people sharing stories, advice and feelings. But all in a lighthearted way! Grab a drink and join the chat, It’s definitely not just for the dads and you never know you might even make a friend or two along the way! Great work Nigel!

Chloe - Daisy First Aid Southend
Chloe Daly

I have really enjoyed my Saturday morning Dad Walks. It’s great to discuss different ideas with other fathers and also just to be able to talk to other grown ups! I do feel like I’m beginning to make new friends and also I do feel my boy is enjoying it as well.

Dadvengers is a great thing for dads, because dads need the help!!

Daniel O'Reilly

I first found out about the Dadvengers through an Instagram post under a hashtag that I followed for Dads. It was the caption that caught my attention as the topics for the first Dadvengers live chat was so relatable. I think it is now 13 weeks on since then and I have loved every single one. I’ve met and discussed parenting and family life with a variety of people, even from different countries from different walks of life. I’ve got to know many of the people involved and I am privileged to say they are friends and look forward to the possible meet ups to finally meet them in person. The experiences and stories from other parents has been eye opening. Some I haven’t experienced myself and hearing how they dealt with their struggles is inspiring. Sharing my own opinions and experience from parenting with my own children and step children in hope I can offer some help and guidance to other parents like I have received. The Dadvengers community has grown in an amazing way and it is amazing to be a part of this community, especially for the Friday night banter like we are all a bunch of friends down the pub.

Thank you Dadvengers.

Eddie Pitt
Eddie Pitt

Don’t be fooled by the name – Dad chats isn’t just for Dads! Ashleigh joined a live one week, and we’ve both been avid fans since. Dadvengers has offered us a real-life insight in to like minded people, the struggles, achievements and laughs that they have had, all with the common bond of being parents (or carers / grandparents etc!)

It really is a welcoming space to speak openly about (sometimes quite hard hitting) subjects that we can all relate to, and often don’t talk about. Trust us, once you’ve joined in once, you’ll be a regular every week – we certainly are!

Thank you Nigel for creating this environment for us all to be a part of – it’s appreciated by every single one of us, and has helped me more than I could begin to explain in a testimonial.

Mark and Ashleigh Stevenson

Dadvengers is a fantastic resource for all parents and guardians. The Friday night Dad Chats are a weekly highlight. They include amazing parents and guests willing to share their experiences, listen and support each other. Plus Nigel is a fantastic host who always manages to make you feel at ease if you join in the live chat. Alongside that, a fantastic community has built, with many laughs shared and excellent advice always given.

Dominic Johnson

Dadvengers has given me the confidence and motivation to begin to document life together with my son Joshua. It’s a really good outlet for us dads (and mums) to talk openly and honestly about various subjects surrounding parenting.
Great job Nigel.


Dadvengers is a great resource for dads. Dad life can be confusing and sometimes lonely; Nigel’s blog and Instagram conversations are reassuring and easy to participate in. I particularly love tuning into the Dadvengers Dad Chats on Instagram on Friday nights – during lockdown they’ve almost become like a weekly little night out with like-minded friends.

Jamie Beaglehole

I have never been more welcomed into a parent group as I have Dadvengers! We have such a laugh but also talk about some real serious stuff. Everyone helps me out when I ask for advise and it’s just a great bunch of people that I’m so glad I have had the privilege to talk to and get involved with! Friday nights are awesome again!

Jaimie Kotula
Jaimie Kotula

I stumbled on dadvengers by accident and what a happy accident it was!! Ive only been here 2 weeks but absolutely loving it!! Such warm, kind people and made me feel very welcome from the off!! Nigel is great, had me up chatting on my first dadvengers dad chat and made me feel very welcome and totally at ease and like i belonged 😊 thank you all for being so welcoming and making me feel like ive been with you since the start ❤

Lucii Jamieson
Lucii Jamieson

I’ve met so many Dads through my time teaching and then our journey building Nana’s Manners.  It’s taken time for the perceived role of dads to evolve – I remember ‘mother and baby’ rooms when my 18yr old was young that I now see renamed ‘parent and baby’ – a small step but sign that times are evolving! Dadvengers is a fantastic initiative as whilst focusing on support and resources for dads in the family unit, it also welcomes mothers, aunties, grandparents – valuing everyone’s role – which is what it is all about! Teamwork makes the dream work! Bringing dads and families together with the aim of supporting each other is what Dadvengers is all about and this is one of the reasons we love it!

Nana's Manners Logo
Kathryn Baldrey-Chourio

I found Dadvengers by chance. Love the idea Nigel! Dads chats is real people sharing their stories and great bants!  Every Friday, easy nights without even thinking. Pour a drink sit back and join in…Different perspectives and opinions, real voices, real life.

Chris Baldrey-Chourio

I stumbled across a DadChat live video one time by accident after I started following them. Next minute, I’m on the video and several people who I had just connected with on Instagram were commenting their warm and welcoming wishes. It’s so great to be able to chat over things in parenting life and know that we’re all pretty much in the same boat – with some differences.
What a bunch! So glad to be involved with them!

Iain Dick

I can’t speak more highly about Dadvengers! In a time where the opportunities for mums to meet and talk can be commonplace, the online space offered by Dadvengers is invaluable for dads. Whilst being led by dads, the Friday night ‘Dad Chats Live’ offer all parents and carers the chance to meet
and talk about a range of parenting topics in a safe and non-judgmental environment. As a dad myself, I found the ability to just listen and learn, or contribute when I felt comfortable, really important and I’ll continue to encourage the wide range of dads I meet to seriously consider going along to a Dad Chats Live.

Raoul Lindsay, Mental Health Specialist

Dadvengers is such a warm and welcoming space. The dads are absolutely hilarious and the banter is so fast
paced it’s great.

But within the blink of an eye the tables can turn, and it can become so deep and emotional. The rawness and
realness of some of the chats shatter all the myths that surround fatherhood and masculinity and just allow you to
see the human side of parenting. It’s beautiful.

Then bam, just like that they are back to joking about each other’s hair-cuts like only guys can. I am so grateful
that they let mums join in


I’m a mum and mental health Occupational Therapist specialising in Perinatal Psychiatry. What a fantastic resource to highlight how a range of issues can affect both Mum and Dad. I’ve been recommending it to all my colleagues whilst on mat leave as we are very aware that we need to support Dad as well as Mum. I love the way Nigel invites his guests to reflect on their own Dads style of parenting but in a very not critical way (acknowledging changes to culture and societal expectations). As a mum myself the podcasts have been a real life saver particularly during those sleepless nights. Thanks Nigel! Keep up the amazing work!

Siobhán Foley
Siobhán Foley
NHS Senior Perinatal Occupational Therapist

Becoming a dad can be quite isolating for some men – including myself –  and the thought of reaching out for support and help is not always a comfortable feeling. This is where Dadvengers has helped to bridge a gap.

‘Dad Chats Live’ on a Friday night has provided us dads with a platform to talk openly and candidly about our fatherhood experiences, which is always guided and hosted with care by Nigel Clarke (possibly the Nick Fury of the Dadvengers?!).

Personally, I have been a part of the Dadvengers community from its first ‘Live’ outing on Instagram and I have had nothing but support, friendship and friendly banter from all the great people who take part. I have given support and have received it…even if it’s just a quick message to check in.

I have found the conversations enlightening and educational, but overall there is a sense of family within the community. It’s a place where you are not judged or ridiculed for sharing your emotions or feelings, but accepted as you are and given a voice to share your experiences…which is often going on in someone else’s parenting life as well.

What I love about Dadvengers is that it’s made up of parents from a variety of backgrounds, heritage, location and family set-up. This diversity makes us a solid community that can share our stories without judgement. Having such a variety of parents involved really does bring us all greater learning, greater understanding and helps us all become greater parents…even if it’s in the smallest of ways.
If you are a dad, mum, carer, adoptive parent or anything in between…Dadvengers is a place for you.

Dadvengers has rapidly become a great place for dads to meet and discussing the various challenges us dads face, plus highlight the positive fun moments. The Live Chats are always expertly moderated by Nigel Clarke and he does not shy away from tough issues such as race. There are not enough places for dads to go and chat about fatherhood without judgement and this is what makes Dadvengers so great.
John Adams - Dadblog UK

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Hear more from hands on dads

If you enjoyed reading these testimonials and you want to hear more from like minded parents check out our Dad Chats. Every week we hold a live chat on the Dadvengers Instagram where parents discuss different parenting topics. From learning through play and perinatal mental health, to educating our kids about diversity we cover many different aspects. Some weeks we also bring in special guests. Many who work or have extensive experience in parenting. They provide extra insight and knowledge into the subjects we discuss.

Below are some examples of previous chats to see how it works. Plus it worth remembering, Dadvengers is focused on supporting dads but that involves us all. So Mums, Grandparents, Carers, Parenting Professionals you are all welcome to get involved with the Dadvengers Community.