Dadvengers Podcast Episode 7 – Paul Brunson
It’s Dadvengers Podcast Episode 7 – Paul Brunson. The engaging and talented entrepreneur, TV presenter and hugely influential match maker joins us this week for a fantastic chat about parenting. Paul Brunson is our first international Podcast guest, talking to us from over the pond in Washington DC.
In this incredibly open discussion Paul discussed his path to parenthood, homeschooling, vulnerability in his relationships and how he makes his marriage work. Plus he talked openly about his journey through IVF. It’s refreshing to hear a father talk to candidly and positively about a subject that makes some men doubt their manhood. Paul shared some fantastic advice, kept us on our toes with the stories he tells and discussed how he moved from helping people with their finances to helping them find love – this really is an unmissable episode.
Huge thanks to Paul for joining us and being the first international Dadvenger!

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Episode Time Codes
3:58 – About Paul’s two sons, Liam & Kingston.
5:40 – The path to parenthood through IVF.
10:50 – “I’ll give you my heart, you can either caress it or crush it” The importance of being venerable in relationships.
12:30 – Paul opens up about his childhood and the importance of attachment styles.
16:12 – Homeschooling Liam and Kingston – getting fired as the PE teacher and the games Paul’s sons love to play.
20:08 – Paul’s podcast – BETTER WITH PAUL.
22:22 – Paul’s talks about his dad, how he was a role model through Paul’s childhood, and how he uses that in his own parenting.
28:20 – The power of affirmations.
31:00 – How Paul went from managing peoples finances to managing their love lives!
33:34 – Paul’s marriage, getting his anniversary wrong and the importance of relationship counselling.
37:00 – Advice to parents struggling in relationship.
40:43 – Parenting Superpower.
Also on Dadvengers…
If you enjoyed this episode of the Dadvengers Podcast don’t forget to check out some of the others. We have dads from all sorts of backgrounds and industries talking about their journey’s through fatherhood. And more are being added all the time.
Whether you are male, female, and parent or a parenting professional there’s lots to be learned by listening to men tell their stories. We also have a comments box below if you’d like to leave your thoughts.
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