Mission Statement: 

To create a community of parents and resources for parents to help support fathers on their journey through parenthood. 

Providing resources in form of blog posts, digital content, podcasts and signposting to relevant services all to help raise awareness educate and support dads.  

This doesn’t mean we are a male only focussed group.  We believe that mums, grandparents, carers, parenting professionals are all essential to make this happen.  


Statement for Website:  

The following comprises details of our data protection policy and how we, Dadvengers (Nigel Clarke) (“our”/”us”/”we”) of Unit 15232, PO Box 6945, London, W1A 6US use any personal data (as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”) or General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (the “Regulation”) that you supply to us.

Our full data protection policy is available here, and should be read together with any Competition Terms and Conditions and any specific terms and conditions for activities on this website. For the purposes of the Act/Regulation the “Data Controller” is Nigel Clarke and the “Data Processor” is Nigel Clarke.


  1. How we use your personal information?
  2. What information do we collect?
  3. Why do we process your personal information?
  4. Who has access to your personal information?
  5. How do we protect your personal information?
  6. For how long do we keep your personal information?
  7. Protecting your child’s online privacy.
  8. Subscribing to receive updates.
  9. Cookies.
  10. Your Rights.
  11. Usage.

  1. How we use your personal information?
  • If you use our services you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal data.
  • We will comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), so any personal data which you supply to us will be used for the purposes indicated below. Please do not give us information if you do not want it stored. Our security procedures mean that we may occasionally request proof of identity from you.
  1. What information do we collect?
  • To join our mailing list we will collect Your Name and Your Email Address. If you purchasing goods from us we will also need billing information.
  • By providing this information you are consenting to your personal information being stored by Dadvengers.  
  1. Why do we process your personal information?
  • The information which we obtain and hold about you, will be used to manage and administer this site, our online competitions, to provide information to our customers and to sell merchandise to you the customer. The information will only be used as stated herein and/or in such other circumstances where there is an obligation to do so, or as the law permits, or where we have your consent.
  • We may share information (for example age, gender, names) of our customers, with suppliers. We will not share your contact information with anyone. 
  • We ask you to provide your first name and last name so that we can qualify and verify applications.  If you are selected as a winner we can address the product, or products to the relevant person in your household. As a winner we may also publish your name on our website. 
  • All competitions are currently open to UK residents only. 
  • We ask for email address so that we can contact you to inform you and liaise with you if you are selected as a winner or for an event. We also ask for your email address so that we can inform you of new content on the website.
  • If you are selected for an opportunity or as a winner, we will contact you to confirm any questions we may have, to seek further permission from you or where we are required to clarify any further information. We may ask you for your telephone number and postal address in order to provide you with a product or products in line with the competition or opportunity and to have a means of communicating with you through the delivery of your prize.
  • Some of the above information is voluntary but needs to be accurate and is required in order to deliver prizes that may be won.
  • If you have sent us an email, we will store this information in line with our data retention policy.
  • If you are a business and you have provided your information to us, we will store your information for three years. After this time, we will contact you to ensure your information is up-to-date. Please contact us if you wish this information to be removed or updated.
  • We collect and store personal information at events that Dadvengers (Nigel Clarke or appointed company representatives) attend. We collect and store this information in order to promote the website and competitions.
  • Providing your details is voluntary and we will store your information in line with our privacy policy.
  1. Who has access to your personal information?
  • The contact information we hold about you is confidential and will only be disclosed outside The Company of this website at your request or with your consent, to investigate or prevent fraud or if the law permits it or it is in the public interest. Normally any personal/business details provided by you to us will not be exported outside the EEA. In the event of any information being disclosed outside the EEA, we have strict security procedures in place.
  • All of our mailing lists are opt-in and the details collected in mailing lists are not shared with any third party. Please note that content you submit to us including but not limited to your name, email address, may be shared with our clients and partners who may be outside the EEA.
  • We may give access to our databases to third parties such as our Server Company, website developer(s), marketing assistant, staff, consultants and anyone necessary to fulfil our website service and business needs. Otherwise, we will never disclose information to any party, other than stated above and below, unless we are required to do so by law.
  1. How do we protect your personal information?
  • Our website is registered with The Information Commissioner’s Office (http://www.ico.org.uk/)
  • We take the security of your personal information seriously; we have internal policies and controls in place to try to ensure that your information is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed, and is not accessed except by our employees in the performance of their duties.
  • Where we engage with third parties to process personal information on our behalf, we do so by complying with all applicable data protection laws; and comply with the agreement, including in particular the obligation to implement appropriate security measures and process the information only for the purposes set out in that Agreement.
  • We store information for the purpose of the activities on the site. We may also publish information on our website such as winners and their names.
  • Please note that any information collected online is not entirely secure. While we will do everything possible to keep your information secure, we cannot guarantee the security of any data or personal information provided to us online. By providing details to us, you do so at your own risk.
  1. For how long do we keep your personal information?
  • We will retain your personal data only for as long as is required and for the purposes for which it was originally given. Your personal data will be deleted if you decide to terminate membership or if you contact info@dadvengers.com and request it. 
  • When required personal details are then destroyed unless we are legally obliged to retain the data and/or transmit it to a regulatory or government authority. 
  • We may publish information you have provided, such as your name, age, gender and username. We will not publish or share your contact details.
  1. Subscribing to receive updates
  • If you have subscribed to receive updates from us, we will store your email address, any preferences you provide and in order to provide you with Dadvengers information and promotions. If your details change, please contact us
  • You must be 16 years old or older to subscribe to our subscription system. If you are under 16 you must have a parent or guardians permission. 
  • If you wish to unsubscribe from this service please either click on the unsubscribe link at the footer of the email you receive, or contact us.
  1. Cookies

How does Dadvengers use Cookies?

Dadvengers uses Cookies so we can give you the very best experience when you’re using our website. If you choose to continue using our website, without changing your settings, we’ll assume you’re happy for us to use cookies. You can change your settings whenever you want.

There are two ways we use cookies on our website:

  • The first is via a third party called Google Analytics. This service provider enables us to track statistics on our website for example number of visits, number of unique users, hits, most popular pages.
    This information may be shared with our customers and partners so that we can provide them with statistics regarding our website usage. It also enables us to compile reports and improve our website. These cookies collect information for us which is anonymous. If you do not wish to be tracked by Google Analytics by all websites that use it, you can visit: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.

For more information about Google Analytics you can visit: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage

  • The second is PHP/MySQL technology is used on our website.

For further information, please see the table at the bottom of this page about our cookie usage.

  1. Your Rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights. You can, in certain circumstances:

  • access a copy of your personal information on request;
  • request that we change incorrect or incomplete personal information;
  • request that we delete or stop processing your personal information, for example where the information is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing; and
  • object to the processing of your personal information, including where we are relying on our legitimate interests as the legal ground for processing.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact (info@dadvengers.com)

Upon request, together with proof of identity to our Data Protection Officer, Nigel Clarke, you are entitled to a copy of the personal data held about you by us, as provided for under the General Data Protection Regulations. You also have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in your information or to remove information held about you.

If you believe that the we have not complied with your data protection rights, you can complain to the Information Commissioner, although we would prefer to resolve any concerns you have directly with you and there may be some circumstances in which our complaints process offers an opportunity to do that.

  1. Usage
  • By continuing to use this website you are deemed to accept this Privacy Policy, Competition Terms and Conditions, and any other associated terms and conditions.
  • We would ask that you keep us informed (by email, telephone, or in writing) of any changes in your personal data so that we may have our records up to date at all times.
  • We will from time to time amend this Privacy Policy and such amendments will be posted on the website. If you object to any changes you may close your account. Your continued use of our services after we publish or send notice about our changes to this privacy policy, means you are consenting to the updated privacy policy.
  • Nothing on this website constitutes advice, nor does the transmission, downloading or sending of any information create any contractual relationship. We, to the extent permitted by law, accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, damage or death suffered by any user of the information contained on this website. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in our Privacy Policy shall limit our liability for any liability the limitation of which is not permitted by law