Dad Chats Live - Dad and Baby groups
Dad Chats Live - Dad and Baby groups

So if you’ve been here before, you’ll know how important dad and baby groups are to us. In fact, our founder Nigel wrote about Dads and Baby Groups in the Dadvengers early days! We’ve also talked about the Importance of Having A Good Community Support for Dads… we’re built on the foundation of supporting dads on their journey through fatherhood. So talking about dads going to baby groups is something we are passionate about!

We know that some dads don’t like going to parent and baby groups. We know why – let’s be honest, they can be daunting, especially when dads are often far outnumbered by the mums! So we talked about the importance of having specific groups for dads. We asked our community for their experiences of going to these groups, why they like them, and what is important in a great dad and baby group.

We want all fathers to have access to these groups, so we are putting together a list and a map, so you can find a great group in your area. If you know of a good group in your area let us know and we will contact them and see if they fit the bill! And, if you’re in the North London area, get in touch with us about our weekly Dad Walk – a Saturday morning walk for dads and their kids. We also hold these walks in Norwich, and other areas will be popping up soon. Keep an eye on the Dad Group page to see when we are coming to your area!

Thanks to everyone who joined the chat – we loved hearing your experiences!

Dad Chats Live – Dad and Baby groups Part 1

Dad Chats Live – Part 2

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