Dadvengers Podcast Episode 15 – Amos Hurst & Sophia May
It’s Dadvengers Podcast Episode 15 – Amos Hurst & Sophia May. At 85 years young and a father to 7 children, we think Amos is our wisest Dadvenger yet! He has led an incredible life, and we were so lucky to have him share it with us on this episode.
We chatted about Amos’ upbringing in Jamaica as one of 10 siblings and he told us about his parents. How they kept Amos in line as a young man and also how he played cricket to get out of the work they wanted done! He also delved into his 7 children, how he was as a parent and the values he brought his children up to believe in. Amos also opened up about his battle with cancer, the treatment he received and the huge mental impact this had on him.
We were also joined by Sophia May who is one of Amos’ daughters. She told us about growing up from her perspective. Listen out for the fun discrepancy in opinions on how strict Amos was!? Lastly, we hear about the amazing work they are doing together to improve men’s mental health.
These are two incredible Dadvengers – and we can’t thank them enough for joining us and sharing their stories.
To find out more about what they are doing check out Mendable

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Episode Time Stamps
01:27 – Amos on growing up as one of 10 siblings in Jamaica and and how his dad was a strict parent – “He was very serious with us, to keep us out of trouble”
05:34 – Amos on what led him to emigrate to the UK in his early 20’s.
07:49 – “It was difficult… I didn’t get the chance to take a telephone… only letters” Amos delves into leaving his young family in Jamaica, how difficult it was for them and why he never returned.
12:17 – Amos talks about his 7 children and the type of parent he was to them growing up… “I was partly strict… I’d give them the poison look!”
14:41 – “I loved them too much” – why Amos parented his children differently to his own upbringing.
16:28 – Amos’ talks about his experiences of racism in the UK at work, and in trying to find a home of his own.
24:21 – “It was meant to be for 6 weeks, then they discovered I had another cancer” – Amos on his cancer diagnosis, treatment, and how he overcame the disease.
30:25 – Amos opens up about the mental impact of cancer, and what scared him the most. “I want to see them throughout their lives”
34:45 – “My pay isn’t money – it is the satisfaction I get” – Amos’ on his career in youth work in London, and Somerset, and how rewarding it is.
41:15 – Sophia May joins the episode and tells us her take on how strict her dad was – “I was laughing away… we ignored the poison look all along”!
44:10 – Sophia delves into how her parents talked to her about race growing up – “They led by example. This is why I do what I do”
46:37 – Sophia and Amos’ tell us about their work with fathers, and men, around mental health.
Also on Dadvengers…
If you enjoyed this episode of the Dadvengers Podcast don’t forget to check out some of the others. We have dads from all sorts of backgrounds and industries talking about their journey’s through fatherhood. And more are being added all the time.
Whether you are male, female, and parent or a parenting professional there’s lots to be learned by listening to men tell their stories. We also have a comments box below if you’d like to leave your thoughts.
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