Dadvengers Live and Exclusive At The Baby Show

That's right folks - Dadvengers are back to the Baby Show! We loved being there in October and we can't...
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Dadvengers Live and Exclusive At The Baby Show

“Out of the Box” Dadvengers Went On A Theatrical Adventure with a Purpose

On Sunday, 26th January, the North London Dadvengers went on a theatrical adventure. We gathered at Jacksons Lane in Highgate...
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“Out of the Box” Dadvengers Went On A Theatrical Adventure with a Purpose

Mayor Launches New Toolkit to Help Educate London Pupils on Healthy and Respectful Relationships: How Dads Can Support This Initiative

As fathers, we all want the best for our children: a world where they are safe, respected, and able to...
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Mayor Launches New Toolkit to Help Educate London Pupils on Healthy and Respectful Relationships: How Dads Can Support This Initiative

HRH Kate Middleton Joined Dadvengers For A Royal Day Out

If you'd have told me 3 years ago that I'd be writing a blog piece about how HRH Kate Middleton...
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HRH Kate Middleton Joined Dadvengers For A Royal Day Out

Welcome to Dadvengers

The posts on the Dadvengers Dad Blog are here to support fathers on their journey through parenthood. The posts are curated by Founder Nigel Clarke and written by you our Dadvengers followers. Whether you are a father, a mother, a soon to be dad, a grandad, grandma, a carer, a parenting professional, a parenting blogger we want you to get involved. Maybe you want to submit a post or perhaps just drop a comment on a post, it doesn’t matter, we want to hear from you. Tell us your experiences, make suggestions, and generally bring your thoughts to the table.

Dad Chats Live

Each week, the Dadvengers take to Instagram Live to discuss various topics. You can view the latest chats below

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Dadvengers Course for New Dads

Featured Articles

Celebrity Dad Quotes

The strongest, toughest men all have compassion. They’re not heartless and cold. You have to be man enough to have compassion—to care about people and about your children.”

John Legend Dad Quote

We want them to be smart, we want them to be kind, we want them to be good leaders, and we want them to be empathetic.”


Dadvengers is a great resource for dads. Dad life can be confusing and sometimes lonely; Nigel’s blog and Instagram conversations are reassuring and easy to participate in. I particularly love tuning into the Dadvengers Dad Chats on Instagram on Friday nights – during lockdown they’ve almost become like a weekly little night out with like-minded friends.

Jamie Beaglehole

I found Dadvengers by chance. Love the idea Nigel! Dads chats is real people sharing their stories and great bants!  Every Friday, easy nights without even thinking. Pour a drink sit back and join in…Different perspectives and opinions, real voices, real life.

Chris Baldrey-Chourio

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