Dadvengers’ Family Rave with the Big Fish Little Fish

Yesterday a group of the Dadvengers dads and their families got their glow sticks together and headed to Camden for...
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Dadvengers’ Family Rave with the Big Fish Little Fish

Do you need an Airfryer? Enter Dadvengers Airfyer Competition

Air fryers have soared in popularity in recent years and before we give you details on how to enter the...
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Do you need an Airfryer? Enter Dadvengers Airfyer Competition

HRH Kate Middleton Joined Dadvengers For A Royal Day Out

If you'd have told me 3 years ago that I'd be writing a blog piece about how HRH Kate Middleton...
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HRH Kate Middleton Joined Dadvengers For A Royal Day Out

Expectant Fathers Online Course

Our 4 week course for expectant fathers is held on Zoom so it’s easily accessible for anyone in the UK...
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Expectant Fathers Online Course

Welcome to Dadvengers

The posts on the Dadvengers Dad Blog are here to support fathers on their journey through parenthood. The posts are curated by Founder Nigel Clarke and written by you our Dadvengers followers. Whether you are a father, a mother, a soon to be dad, a grandad, grandma, a carer, a parenting professional, a parenting blogger we want you to get involved. Maybe you want to submit a post or perhaps just drop a comment on a post, it doesn’t matter, we want to hear from you. Tell us your experiences, make suggestions, and generally bring your thoughts to the table.

Dad Chats Live

Each week, the Dadvengers take to Instagram Live to discuss various topics. You can view the latest chats below

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Dadvengers Course for New Dads

Featured Articles

Celebrity Dad Quotes

Paul Waker Dad Quote

I think my mom put it best. She said, ‘Little girls soften their daddy’s hearts.”

Prince Harry

Perhaps it’s the newfound clarity I have as a father, knowing that my son will always be watching what I do, mimicking my behavior, one day maybe even following in my footsteps.”


Becoming a dad can be quite isolating for some men – including myself –  and the thought of reaching out for support and help is not always a comfortable feeling. This is where Dadvengers has helped to bridge a gap. ‘Dad Chats Live’ on a Friday night has provided us dads with a platform to talk openly and candidly about… Read more “Tony – Dad Chronicles UK”


I’m a mum and mental health Occupational Therapist specialising in Perinatal Psychiatry. What a fantastic resource to highlight how a range of issues can affect both Mum and Dad. I’ve been recommending it to all my colleagues whilst on mat leave as we are very aware that we need to support Dad as well as Mum. I love the way… Read more “I cannot recommend this resource for Dads and Mums highly enough!”

Siobhán Foley
Siobhán Foley
NHS Senior Perinatal Occupational Therapist

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