When we think about crafting, images of glue and paint everywhere instantly come to mind! But these craft ideas for dads are not only easy to do, they will show you that there are many benefits to crafting that outweigh the potential mess that could be made.
From developing fine motor skills, to engaging their imagination and helping express feelings, crafting is an essential part of development. It also gives you an opportunity to spend some focussed time with your child. Working together on a craft project has many benefits for a child’s development, crafting together gives the perfect opportunity for some special dad-child bonding time and teaches them vital life skills such as patience and teamwork.
Being a busy parent, I know how hard it can be to sit and have this kind of time to get out crafting bits and focus on one activity. But, these crafts are easy to set up, easy to clean up and provide a fun and engaging time that benefits your child’s development as well as giving you yourself some ‘play’ time too.
Before you start these craft ideas for dads:
Crafting with kids can get messy, so here are a few tips to get you prepared before starting these craft ideas for dads:
- Clear the area you are working in. If there is anything important that you don’t want to be damaged or accidentally painted etc – move it away.
- Put some old paper, cloth, or a messy mat down to cover the area you’re crafting in. Craft can get messy, but this can make the tidying up process painless, you can just pick up all your mess and move it to the bin, or somewhere easier to clean.
- If you think craft is something you’d like to do often, investing in a washable / wipeable craft bib for your child can save clothes from the inevitable paint and glue. Or, use old clothes or something you don’t mind getting messy. Also, try using washable paint!
- Grab everything you need for each craft project before you start – you don’t want to have to leave halfway through and lose the momentum of crafting with your child, or leave any chance of getting distracted by one of the many adult tasks you need to do too!
Paper Bowl Spaceships:
What you need:

- Two paper bowls.
- One pom-pom.
- A piece of white cotton (or fishing wire if you have it!)
- A clear plastic cup.
- Paper, stickers, or pens for decoration.
- Googly-eyes.
- Glue/ Tape.
Start by decorating your paper bowls however you want! Then, once dry or ready to use connect them together using glue or tape.
Make a hole in the top of your plastic cup and place the string through it. Place two eyes on your pom-pom and connect to the end of the string.
Glue or tape the cup onto the top of your bowl and you should have your very own paper bowl spaceship!
Stone Painting:
What you need:
- Paint
- Paint Brushes
- Smooth Pebbles
This one is THE easiest one to do and is the most creative!
All you need to do is grab your pebbles and start creating. If you want the paint to last longer seal it off with some PVA glue or Modge Podge, or you can clean your stones and start them all over again!
These look fantastic dotted around the garden and can also be hidden in your community as part of the Kindness Rocks Project – for others to find. share and enjoy! This also creates an opportunity for you to talk to your child about acts of kindness for others.

Sponge Monsters:
What you need:

- Sponges
- Paint
- Paper
- Pens
- Googly eyes (optional)
This one is fun and the good kind of messy! Grab your sponge and place a good splodge of paint on the paper. Place the sponge on top then hit it with your hand (or a toy hammer for an added extra). The sponge will create a splat on the page. Once dry add googly-eyes and other features to make your very own sponge monster!
Handprint Animals:
What you need:
- Paint
- Pens
- Paper
If you have an animal-loving child as I do, these lovely handprint animals are a fantastic way to explore their favourite mammals, reptiles, and amphibians and a great keepsake to look back on!
All you need to do is place your handprint in the middle of the page and get your little one to add the features of the animals around it. See the examples in the photo to give you some inspiration!

Recycled Modelling:
What you need:

- Recycling items like boxes, cups, and anything cardboard or safe to use from the recycling.
- Tape / Glue
- Paint
- Pens
- Other crafting objects like glitter or pompoms.
This one has always been my favourite and the most creative thing to do. When you aren’t sure what to make, give the power back to your little ones and help them to create something out of your recycling.
This could be anything from a robot to an animal, to something completely new and to extend the learning on this crafting experience why not get pen and paper and plan what you are going to make from the items you have out first?
This gives you the opportunity to discuss what certain parts may do and let your children’s imagination be fuelled by their creativity and even unlock your inner child’s imagination. As there are no ‘rules’ to this craft your child will gain the most out of it, making it a win-win for parent and child.
Sponsored Crafts for Adventures With Dad: Fundraising Week!
Dadvengers are holding the Adventures with Dad: Fundraising Week and we’d love for you to get involved in raising funds to help us continue the work we do!
Why not use these great craft ideas for dads to have a sponsored craft afternoon with your children? See how many of the crafts you can achieve in one afternoon; make it dads vs. kids? However you want to do it, we’d love for you to get involved.
Get in touch and we can help you set up your sponsored event today!