My kids are my greatest piece of art. If I can pump them full of amazing stuff and surround them with beautiful art and music, then I’m going to live out my life watching them”
The strongest, toughest men all have compassion. They’re not heartless and cold. You have to be man enough to have compassion—to care about people and about your children.”
Is there a Good Dad formula? The short answer to the question is no there isn’t a golden set of rules to being a good dad. Every man is different,…
This week, we had an open mic night to talk about International Men’s Day 2021. Did you know it was International Men’s Day this week? Did you even know there…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
It is time for us to revisit the Pandemic 2 years on! Can you believe it has been two years since the pandemic started? It seems like the two years…
I have really enjoyed my Saturday morning Dad Walks. It’s great to discuss different ideas with other fathers and also just to be able to talk to other grown ups! I do feel like I’m beginning to make new friends and also I do feel my boy is enjoying it as well. Dadvengers is a great thing for dads, because… Read more “Dad Walks Rock!”