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Dad Chats Live – The Big Co-Sleeping Debate

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Dad Chats Live – The Co-Sleeping Debate, Step Parents and Dad Fails!

This week we delved into the co-sleeping debate. Whether you’re co-sleeping now, did in the past, or avoided it completely, we wanted to hear your experiences. We loved hearing your thoughts on this subject, and sharing our own!

Next up – step parents! Families are made up in so many different ways now, there is no typical – one size fits all in parenting! So many of us have, or are step parents, and we know that can bring it’s own challenges. So we chatted about the difficulties it can bring, and about the positive sides of step-parenting.

Lastly, for our light-hearted topic we asked for your dad fails. We have all been there – those moments that make us cringe and feel like we’re getting it all wrong. But, we learn from them and, lets be honest, they can be very funny to look back on! We asked our community to tell us their dad fails and they shared some hilarious stories! Click the videos below to hear this brilliant chat!

The Topics:

  1. Co-Sleeping: Did you co-sleep, or how did you avoid it? Was it beneficial to you, or do you wish you hadn’t gone down this road? We want to know all your thoughts.
  2. Our second topic is step-parents. SO many of us have, or are step-parents and this in itself brings many challenges to the parenting landscape. It would be lovely to hear your experiences.
  3. Finally our light hearted topic is Dad Fails! None of us are perfect and we all get things wrong. In an effort for us to bond it would be great to hear some of your stories that may help us avoid situations in the future.

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More On The Subject:

Sleep is a big topic for all parents! We’ve had some great chats about this topic.
We had another Dad Chats Live about Parents and Tiredness. It is well worth a watch to find some advice on how to deal with the exhaustion that comes with parenting!

Maybe you’re looking to make changes in the sleeping arrangements? In that case, we have some great advice in this blog post entitled: The Best Way to Begin Sleep Training Our Babies an Toddlers – which delves into how to prepare for sleep training as the parent.

There is also a great Dad Chats episode from Jonathan all about Sleep Training. Click on the picture to head straight there!

Dad Chats Live - Sleep Training
Dad Chats Live – Sleep Training

Part 1 – The Co-Sleeping Debate

Part 2:

If you enjoy these chats – let us know! We love hearing your thoughts, and why not suggest a topic you’d like to hear?

Nigel Clarke
70 posts

About author
Nigel Clarke is a British TV Presenter and the founder of Dadvengers. Known for his work on The Baby Club on CBeebies, his energetic and friendly style appeal to all ages. In 2015 he started blogging on a variety of different subjects and in 2019 after writing some dad focused posts Dadvengers was born. Head to his website to find out more about him.
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