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Dad Chats Live – The Best Ways to Keep Our Kids Entertained

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Dad Chats Live: 13 November 2020 – Keeping our kids entertained.

Keeping our kids entertained can be difficult! There are so many hours in the day, and with the amount of time we’ve been forced to spend at home in the last year, sometimes we struggled with running out of ideas! So this week we asked our team how they keep their kids entertained. we wanted your ideas, tips and tricks for keeping the boredom away and stopping everyone going stir crazy! It was great to hear from a range of parents on this topic, with children of all different ages and with varying interests, we got some great ideas for keeping our own kids entertained.

Next up, we talked rules! We all do things differently, so we asked what your rules are. We wanted to hear all about the do’s and don’ts in your house. Is there anything controversial that you let your little ones do, or not do? We asked our community to tell us everything. We learned a lot in this chat and took away some ideas we hadn’t thought of before!

Last up, for our light hearted topic, we delved into the movies you can’t wait to share with your kids. As our little ones get older, what are the films you are excited to share with them, when they come of age to enjoy it? We have a huge list for this one – and we added more to it with this chat! We hope you enjoy this one too – get in touch and let us know what you think here!

Topics we covered:

1. Keeping our children entertained at different ages.

2. Rules – the things you do and don’t let your kids do.

3. Our light-hearted topic… Favourite movies you’re excited to share with your kids.

Need Some Ideas…?

If you need some ideas of fun things to do with your kids, or more reasons why it is so important to play with them – look no further than these great posts!

Part 1: Keeping our Kids Entertained

Part 2:

Nigel Clarke
70 posts

About author
Nigel Clarke is a British TV Presenter and the founder of Dadvengers. Known for his work on The Baby Club on CBeebies, his energetic and friendly style appeal to all ages. In 2015 he started blogging on a variety of different subjects and in 2019 after writing some dad focused posts Dadvengers was born. Head to his website to find out more about him.
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