Dad Chats LiveGriefParenting

Dad Chats Live – Approaching Grief with Children

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Dad Chats Live – 18 September 2020: talking about approaching grief with children, crying in front of your kids and your dream man cave?!

Grief is something that will impact all of our lives, and no matter how much we want to protect our children from that, it will impact them to. So this week we chatted about approaching grief with children. We talked about the impact of grief on our kids, how we talk to them about it and we got some great advice about this subject. From how we talk to our kids about grief, to helping them navigate the difficult emotions it brings up. A must watch.

Next up, we talked about crying in front of our kids. Years ago, men would avoid crying in public as it was believed to be a sign of weakness. That opinion has changed dramatically over the last 20-30 years, but would you cry in front of your children? This is something that some dads still wouldn’t feel comfortable doing. So, we asked if you have cried in front of your children, how they reacted, and why we think it is an important thing to do.

Last up, for our light-hearted topic, we asked what our community would have in their dream man cave – and we got some great ideas!

Topics we covered:

1. Dealing with Grief. No matter whether it’s a pet, a friend, or a grandparent it is tough for everyone involved. Let’s open the topic right up. Tell us all your thoughts and feelings.

2. Crying in front of your kids.

3. Our light hearted topic this week is… What would you have in your dream man cave?

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Dad Chats Part 1 – Approaching grief with children.

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Nigel Clarke
71 posts

About author
Nigel Clarke is a British TV Presenter and the founder of Dadvengers. Known for his work on The Baby Club on CBeebies, his energetic and friendly style appeal to all ages. In 2015 he started blogging on a variety of different subjects and in 2019 after writing some dad focused posts Dadvengers was born. Head to his website to find out more about him.
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