Dad Chats Live - Cyberbullying
Dad Chats Live - Cyberbullying
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Dad Chats Live – Cyberbullying and Social Media

1 Mins read

This week we delve into the minefield of Cyberbullying and Social Media.

We love social media, it helps us to keep in touch with people all over the world, and we have built a pretty great community through it 😃! But, it isn’t without it’s pitfalls! So this week we chatted all about cyberbullying and social media. We wanted to know about your experiences online, we asked if any of our community had negative experiences online – and how do we keep our children safe online.

The internet is an ever changing world, and our kids are growing up in a world more connected than anything we knew. We have all head horror stories about online bulling, or witnessed trolling online. And we talk about how we educate our children about keeping safe and coping with the threat of online bullying?

A huge thank you to our community who shared their experiences on this tricky subject. This was a really great chat, and one that we will definitely revisit in the future. Do you have experiences with cyberbullying that you’d like to tell us about? Or maybe you’d like to suggest a topic for us to cover? Get in touch and let us know what you want to talk about.

Dad Chats Live – Cyberbullying

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