Dad Chats - Single Parents
Dad Chats - Single Parents
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Dad Chat’s Live – All About Single Parents and Co-Parenting

1 Mins read

As you know, we welcome all parents to Dad Chats, and this week we decided to focus on single parents. Although… that led to a discussion – are you a single parent, or a co-parent? What’s the difference, and where do you fit in!?

We know not all of our amazing dad’s are with their kids full time, so this week we delved into single parents and co-parenting. We chatted all about the up’s and down’s of the single parent life. From coping mechanisms, to helping the kids adjust to separated households. we delved into it all.

It was great to hear from the single / co-parents in our community, and we are so thankful to them all for their honesty in this great chat. Another unmissable Dad Chats Live!

The Questions We Asked:

1. Becoming a single parent can be understandably daunting. If you’re a single parent, what were/are some of your worries or concerns?

2. As a single parent, you are also likely to be navigating dating and being in new relationships. How would you go about introducing your new relationship to your children and including them in your childrens lives?

3. For our lighthearted topic, we want to know what would be one piece of advice you would give to someone who had newly become a single parent?

Dad Chats Live – Single Parents / Co-Parenting – Part 1

Dad Chats Live – Part 2

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