Dad Chats Live - Honesty
Dad Chats Live - Honesty
Dad Chats LiveParenting

Dad Chats Live – Talking About Honesty and Little White Lies

1 Mins read

Dad Chats Live – Next week it is International Honesty Day. So tonight, we are talking about honesty.

Honesty can be a difficult thing in some families. Especially when it comes to talking to our children about subjects that are difficult, or that we want to protect them from. So tonight we asked you all about honesty.

We heard from some fantastic Dadvengers about how they manage to stay honest with their children, even when it is difficult. There was some great insight into how different families manage this – and learnt new approaches that we hadn’t thought of before. We also delved into how honest our parents were with us – and the impact that had on us growing up. Some

Here are the topics we covered – click on the links below to listen into this weeks chats!

1. With Friday being International Honesty Day, how do we maintain honesty with our children on difficult subjects that may be too old for them.

2. Did we know when our parents were not being honest with us? And did it affect us in any way?

3. And our lighthearted topic this week is – What’s the funniest white lie you’ve ever told?

If you enjoy this chat why not get in touch and let us know your thoughts? And don’t forget Dad Chats every Friday at 21:00 on Instagram!

Part 1 Dad Chats Live – Talking about Honesty

Part 2 Dad Chats Live

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