Days OutFeaturedNew DadsParenting

Dadvengers Live and Exclusive At The Baby Show

2 Mins read

That’s right folks – Dadvengers are back to the Baby Show! We loved being there in October and we can’t wait to come back. We’ll be offering a special discounted price on our Expectant Father Course, plus we have a Dadvengers code for discounted tickets at the bottom of this page!! 🥳

What is The Baby Show?

The Baby Show is a three day event where you can find everything you need for your baby! There are 3 shows a year, and this time it is at the Excel London. The show helps new and expectant parents find everything they need for their growing family. The show launched in 2002 and next months show runs from Friday 37th t0 Sunday 9th March 2025 – and we will be there for the whole thing!

It’s your one-stop shop for products, services, and advice. Plus visitors can also compare, try and buy products and enjoy exclusive deals from hundreds of brands.

Why You Should Go?

If you’re a new or expectant parent it can be daunting getting everything ready for your new arrival. But The Baby Show takes the stress out of it! Talk to experts from different brands to get the things you need for your baby. You can also listen to panel talks with professionals from different areas helping you get ready for parenthood. And of course, you’ll have some fun!

There are lots of different brands offering exclusive Baby Show pricing for their most popular baby items. Including us! So parents, you’re guaranteed a bargain!

What Are Dadvengers Doing at The Baby Show?

We’ve got a stand at the show and we’re there to spread the Dadvengers word!

We will be talking to new parents about the Dadvengers community. Not just what we do but also why we do it. You can also talk parenting and meet the guys and girls who run Dadvengers in person! We will be welcoming old members, and new, into the fold – and we can’t wait!

Expectant Fathers Course

Our primary reason for being at the show is to offer a discounted rate for our Expectant Fathers Course. It has been super popular and at the show you can book your place with % off. The course is aimed at expectant fathers and is delivered by Nigel Clarke. It gives practical and emotional advice, supporting men to be more confident fathers. While also introducing you to other fathers-to-be in the same situation! 100% of dads* through our course says how worthwhile it is and how they would recommend it to any expectant father.

If you want to find out more make sure you come and see us at the show or use the following link to drop us a line. Expectant Father Course – More Info.

Dadvengers New Dads Course Overview
Dadvengers Merch
Dadvengers Merchandise

We’re also bringing our merch to the show! You’ll be the coolest dressed family in town with our branded items. We have got baby grows and bibs for mini-Dadvengers. And hoodies and t-shirts for adults. We will have special offers on our merch exclusively at The Baby Show.

Nigel Baby Show panel 2022

Get Your Discounted Tickets!

As part of our partnership with The Baby Show our community are entitled to discounted tickets for the show. Make sure you use the following link to get Tickets At The Baby Show for just £16! Tickets are usually £30 on the door and when you are a new or expectant parent every penny counts, so take advantage and be sure to tell your antenatal group to get involved too.

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