Baby Buddy 2.0 - An App that provides support for New Dads
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Help Develop an App That Provides Support for New Dads

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What is Baby Buddy 2.0

There’s an old saying that goes: “You can get there quickly alone, and further together.. Well there is a new app that provides support for New Dads.

In 2011, Best Beginnings conceived the idea for an app that supports parents on their journey through pregnancy until their child’s first birthday. Ten years on, Baby Buddy 2.0 is about to be “born”. And we need more fathers and partners across the UK to make it a resource dads feel comfortable using.

The free Baby Buddy app has been designed to support expectant and new parents from all backgrounds. We know fathers need support just as much as mums do. But, in all the research we’ve done over the years, we’ve heard how side-lined and left out men have felt and it’s also been highlighted that there is a lack of reliable and relevant information.

We’re proud to say that Baby Buddy 2.0 is the first app in the world to provide daily personalised information for fathers and partners! Over the last year, we’ve worked with fathers’ charities Future Men and the Fatherhood Institute and many awesome father campaigners (including Nigel from Dadvengers) who together have a wealth of experience and knowledge and work directly with dads from diverse backgrounds.  

We need your help to provide support for new dads

We know that where fathers are actively involved in all aspects of their children’s care it is not only the dads and mums that benefit. The emotional and educational outcomes for their children are better, with fewer behavioural problems and higher self-esteem. Pregnancy, birth and early parenthood should be something that mums and dads can support each other through and fully share together.

The dads we spoke to told us they are looking for practical and reassuring advice and information. It needs to be expressed simply, and in a bite-sized format. They also highlighted the need to be able to strengthen their couple relationship and share information with their partner.

The support we provide so far

600 bite-sized entries for dads, giving daily information from conception to when your baby reaches 12 months old. Plus support on dads’ mental health – we know it can be a tough and challenging time. The thing is, we know we can do even better! But to do that we need to know what men like about the app, what they would change. Why they would use it, and why they wouldn’t.

What we need from you now

We need new and expectant dads! We need as many as possible to test Baby Buddy 2.0 before it launches in late October. The app is currently in the beta testing phase and the more people we can get to test it out the better. We’d love for you to use the app, help us fine tune it and ensure Baby Buddy 2.0 is the best support for new dads it can be.

So, are you a new or expectant father? Do you know any? Maybe you’re pregnant and can get your other half involved…? All you need to do is download Baby Buddy 2.0 (beta). Then after a week or so of using it head over to to give your feedback. It really is that simple, but will make a huge difference. So please get involved. Help us to create the best support for new dads now, and for future generations.

Watch the relevant Dad Chats Live Episode

If you’d like to learn more about the baby buddy app, and hear from a dad who has used it, don’t forget you can check out the relevant Dad Chats Live episode with Simon Austin. guest appearance on Dad Chats Live. Our weekly parenting chat hosted on our Instagram Account.

Dad Chats Live - Baby Buddy App
Dad Chats Live – Baby Buddy App

Watch now>>>

Alison Baum
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About author
Alison is the founder of Best Beginnings who provide expert support and practical help, while giving parents, co-parents and caregivers the knowledge and confidence to take good care of themselves and build healthy, happy lives for their children. Before launching Best Beginnings, Alison set up an internet-based social enterprise called Express Yourself Mums, providing information and products for new mothers.
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