When you have kids, you see life through different eyes, you feel love more deeply and are maybe a little more compassionate”
I think it changes your relationship with time. I just don’t have time to waste. You gotta be really deliberate with how you choose to spend your day because those are the moments you’re away from your child.
On Sunday, 26th January, the North London Dadvengers went on a theatrical adventure. We gathered at Jacksons Lane in Highgate for a special outing to see the one-man show Out…
Aviva have scrapped paternity leave! They realised it was an outdated and unfair system. So they changed it! Anthony Fitzpatrick, Head of colleague Experience and Employment Policy at Aviva tells…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
Dad Chats Live – as pride month comes to an end, we are joined by Kate from @lesbemums. We focused solely on the conversations this important month creates with our…
I have really enjoyed my Saturday morning Dad Walks. It’s great to discuss different ideas with other fathers and also just to be able to talk to other grown ups! I do feel like I’m beginning to make new friends and also I do feel my boy is enjoying it as well. Dadvengers is a great thing for dads, because… Read more “Dad Walks Rock!”