Dads immediately fall in love with their little girls, and will let them get away with everything. So moms are going to have to be the disciplinarians when it comes to daughters.”
Success, and even life itself, wouldn’t be worth anything if I didn’t have my children by my side. They mean everything to me.”
Dad Chats Live – 12 September 2020. Talking about parental life lessons, curling parents, and dad computer games. This week we delved into the life lessons we give our children….
When I had my children, I didn’t think I would end up being a single dad. You never imagine on the day you say “I do” that this where you…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
It’s Friday folks, and what better way to celebrate the weekend arriving than having another great Dad Chats Live! This week we talked to Martin Vowles from the Easy Peasy…
I stumbled on dadvengers by accident and what a happy accident it was!! Ive only been here 2 weeks but absolutely loving it!! Such warm, kind people and made me feel very welcome from the off!! Nigel is great, had me up chatting on my first dadvengers dad chat and made me feel very welcome and totally at ease and… Read more “Warm welcome”