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Dad Chats Live – Parental Life Lessons

2 Mins read

Dad Chats Live – 12 September 2020. Talking about parental life lessons, curling parents, and dad computer games.

This week we delved into the life lessons we give our children. Some life lessons are more important than others, and some really stick with us. Have you given any life lessons to your children yet? Can you remember the parental life lessons your parents gave you? We asked our community to share their stories with us and we loved hearing them.

Next up we chatted about curling parents. This is a type of parenting where mum’s and dad’s smooth the path for their children at every opportunity. and ensure their child doesn’t face any difficulties in life. We asked if that is the kind of parent our Dadvengers are, or the kind of parent they want to be, and we asked your thoughts on this parenting style – which led to a really great conversation.

Lastly for our light-hearted topic, we asked what your favourite video games are. New, or retro, we wanted to hear them all! We know some of our folks love video games, so we couldn’t wait to hear your favourites. It was a real walk down memory lane!

Here are the questions we asked:

1. Life Lessons. As Parents we often end up giving our kids some of the most important lessons of their lives. Have you given any already? Are you planning on dishing out some life lessons. Can you remember your Dad teaching you any life lessons?

2. Curling Parents. A curling parent smooths the path for their child at every turn, so that they never face an big problems. It has its pros and cons. Are you a curling parent?

3. Our light hearted topic this week is…Dad Computer Games what are your favs?

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Part 1: Parental Life Lessons

Part 2:

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Nigel Clarke
71 posts

About author
Nigel Clarke is a British TV Presenter and the founder of Dadvengers. Known for his work on The Baby Club on CBeebies, his energetic and friendly style appeal to all ages. In 2015 he started blogging on a variety of different subjects and in 2019 after writing some dad focused posts Dadvengers was born. Head to his website to find out more about him.
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