At the end of the day you don’t get a trophy, you don’t get a ring, you don’t get a banner. But what you do get, if you do it right, is a more loving, kinder, smarter and better version of yourself”
It’s [fatherhood] changed me a lot. Being a father is a healing process for me. It allows you to reconcile some of the issues I maybe had or some of the issues that made my relationship with my father quite complicated.”
Dad Chats Live – 28 August 2020, back to school and nursery. It is that time of year again, the back to school dread it kicking in! Maybe your kids…
As the parent or carer of a baby, you’ve probably heard of sleep regression. It’s that time when, your baby has lulled you into a false sense of security. Letting…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
Christmas is almost here! So it is only right we chat about the big day on Dad Chats! This week we delved into how prepared we are (or aren’t!) for…
I found Dadvengers by chance. Love the idea Nigel! Dads chats is real people sharing their stories and great bants! Every Friday, easy nights without even thinking. Pour a drink sit back and join in…Different perspectives and opinions, real voices, real life.