My favourite thing about being a father is just seeing my kids grow and do some of the same things that I did when I was a kid, man.”
I think the best thing to try to do is allow your daughter or your son to know that they can come to you for anything. If you can break down that wall so they don’t feel embarrassed by telling you things, that’s half the battle.”
This one is for my Star Wars Dads, yes it’s everything you need to know about #MandoMondays! Now I know not every dad likes Star Wars but there are plenty…
Becoming a parent Becoming a parent is something no one can ever prepare you for. People can tell you what it’s like and the challenges you will face, but you…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
Subjects: This week we were joined by special guest Ian Dinwiddy from Inspiring Dads. A website focused on helping stressed dads balance work and fatherhood. We talked about. 1. Building meaningful…
I have really enjoyed my Saturday morning Dad Walks. It’s great to discuss different ideas with other fathers and also just to be able to talk to other grown ups! I do feel like I’m beginning to make new friends and also I do feel my boy is enjoying it as well. Dadvengers is a great thing for dads, because… Read more “Dad Walks Rock!”