Never is a man more of a man than when he is the father of a newborn.”
I think the best thing to try to do is allow your daughter or your son to know that they can come to you for anything. If you can break down that wall so they don’t feel embarrassed by telling you things, that’s half the battle.”
Dad Chats Live – World Book Day and International Women’s Day. This week there are not one, but two important international days that we want to talk about. The first…
To make the start of Black History Month we are delving into the topic of race and racism. This is something we talk about all year round at Dad Chats,…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
Dad Chats Live – Equal Parental Leave. Today we were joined by Rob Simpson who works for @avivauk. Aviva have scrapped paternity leave, two weeks just aren’t enough – Aviva recognised…
I’ve met so many Dads through my time teaching and then our journey building Nana’s Manners. It’s taken time for the perceived role of dads to evolve – I remember ‘mother and baby’ rooms when my 18yr old was young that I now see renamed ‘parent and baby’ – a small step but sign that times are evolving! Dadvengers is… Read more “Kathryn Baldrey-Chourio – Nana’s Manners”