He was there when I didn’t understand, he was there when I was wrong, he was there when I cried, he was there when I lied. For some reason my dad was always there, when I needed him the most.”
Family is a wonderful thing, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do other stuff in your life. In fact, having a family makes whatever other thing you have that much richer”
Hello! My name is Eli, I am a deaf father of 3 hearing children. My family and I all communicate in British Sign Language (BSL). Sign Language is very important to…
Becoming a parent Becoming a parent is something no one can ever prepare you for. People can tell you what it’s like and the challenges you will face, but you…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
Dad Chats Live – Tonight we opened up the floor for an open mic night. We chatted all things parenting, and life in general! It’s been a while since we…
I have been part of the dadvengers crew for about 6 months now. I have been made so welcome to it. Everyone is so supportive and kind. It’s been a huge help in my life and I will never look back. I am so thankful I am a part of this community. The advice I have received from fellow parents… Read more “Dadvengers is amazing support for all parents and not just dads.”