It’s [fatherhood] changed me a lot. Being a father is a healing process for me. It allows you to reconcile some of the issues I maybe had or some of the issues that made my relationship with my father quite complicated.”
I think the best thing to try to do is allow your daughter or your son to know that they can come to you for anything. If you can break down that wall so they don’t feel embarrassed by telling you things, that’s half the battle.”
All About Celebrating Fathers Day 2022 Last night we had a Father’s Day 2022 special for Dad Chats. We delved into the important questions – what are we doing to…
After the impact of the pandemic on students, it is more important than ever for parents to find ways to support education. According to a study by The Fatherhood Institute,…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
We all know how tough it can be to keep children entertained in the house sometimes. Indoor play can feel like a chore sometimes! So this week we asked how…
Dadvengers is a fantastic resource for all parents and guardians. The Friday night Dad Chats are a weekly highlight. They include amazing parents and guests willing to share their experiences, listen and support each other. Plus Nigel is a fantastic host who always manages to make you feel at ease if you join in the live chat. Alongside that, a… Read more “Dadvengers is a fantastic resource”