Your crazy dad has many responsibilities and wears many hats in this big ol’ world, but being your dad will always be the one I’m most proud to wear”
never thought I would be such a family-oriented guy; I didn’t think that was part of my makeup. But somebody said that as you get older you become the person you always should have been.”
Why go to Baby Groups? In this post I would like to address the question ‘Why go to baby groups?’. It’s already something that parents ask whether they are male…
I must admit I haven’t watched Tom & Jerry in many years. But as a child it was a staple in our household. Half the time you never knew when…
We host them on Instagram every Friday at 9pm (GMT) and each week we talk about different topics with our parent community. Below is a recording of one of our sessions.
Dad Chats Live – This week we talked with Elliott Rae from @mff about their new book DAD. A collection of 20 stories of fatherhood from 20 real dads who are living…
Wow what an amazing group! I came across Dadvengers when looking for support for dads. I meet a lot of new patents running my classes and often get asked about support groups. There are a lot of mum groups but not so many for the dads! But this page and dad chats is just brilliant, so real and down to… Read more “Dads Supporting Dads”