All about the parentsEducationFeatured

Mayor Launches New Toolkit to Help Educate London Pupils on Healthy and Respectful Relationships: How Dads Can Support This Initiative

4 Mins read
As fathers, we all want the best for our children: a world where they are safe, respected, and able to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and kindness. But with the increasing exposure young people have to harmful influences online—whether through social media influencers or inappropriate content—it’s more important than ever for us, as dads, to play an active role in…
Daddy CoolFeatured

Brand New Dadvengers Merchandise

1 Mins read
It’s finally happened! After 2 years, 30 Podcast episodes, over 150 blog posts, over 100 Dad Chats, numerous dad walks and meet ups, we finally have Dadvengers merchandise. You may have seen Nigel sporting one of the new hoodies on Dad Chats recently. Well now you can have your own, or get one as a present for someone else. First…
All about the parentsDad WorriesFeaturedMental Health

Men's Mental Health: Why It's So Important To Get Men Talking and How To Do It

4 Mins read
Men’s mental health is something that is a priority at Dadvengers. We know that men aren’t always great at speaking up when things aren’t going well. But we want to change that. We want to help normalise asking for help, encourage dads to speak up if they’re feeling down, and this is how we can make a start. Why We…