Sun Safety - How to achieve it and why it's so important
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Sun Safety – How to achieve it and why it’s so important

2 Mins read

When the sun comes out and the weather gets warmer many of us want to get out there with the kids and have some fun. However, before we do go out, it’s important to know about sun safety. Over exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn, which can lead to sun damage to the skin. But you don’t have to get burnt to be at risk. In the UK the sun is still strong enough to cause damage even when cloudy. So it’s about being smart and protecting ourselves and our children.

How does the sun harm harm us?

Ultraviolet radiation is a source of energy released naturally by the sun and there are three types. UVA, which is the main cause of sunburn, and UVB which penetrates deeper and contributes to ageing our skin. UVC, the most dangerous of them all but it doesn’t reach the earths surface due to the ozone layer. A mistake many people make is thinking you can tell how at risk you are to sunburn by the temperature outside. The is wrong because you cant feel UV rays the only way to know how at risk you are is by checking the UV Index.

Sun and Clouds

UV radiation can damage DNA in the skin. If the skins DNA is damaged it may cause the skin it to grow irregularly. But 9 out of 10 cases of Melanoma (the most serious form of skin cancer) could have been prevented if the person had practised good sun safety.

Sun Safety – How can we protect ourselves?

There are many ways to protect ourselves from the sun. But the 3 listed below are your first ports of call.

  • Find some shade – especially from mid March to mid October between 11am and 3pm in the UK.
  • Cover up – clothes and hats are a good way to keep sun off the skin.
  • Use a 5* rated Suncream – Children need the most protection and should use SPF50+ and and it’s advisable that adults shouldn’t go below SPF30+. Soltan are proudly partnering with Macmillan Cancer Support as their Official Sun Safety Partner to ensure everyone has access to the information and protection they need to stay safe in the sun.
Sun Safety - Way to protect yourself

Sun Safety – Teaching our kids to put on Suncream

To spread the message of how important Sun Safety is, Dadvengers founder Nigel Clarke teamed up with Boots and Soltan for a summer 2022 campaign. As part of the collaboration they came up with a song and dance to help parents with the age old problem of getting that sun cream on the kids. We all know the little ones love to squirm about while you’re trying to apply it. They want this song and dance to encourage your children to actually want to help put the suncream on. Check out the video below! Nigel and Soltan would love to see you having a go at the dance! So make sure you film your attempts and TAG them both on Instagram, TikTok or Facebook. Good Luck!

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Nigel Clarke
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About author
Nigel Clarke is a British TV Presenter and the founder of Dadvengers. Known for his work on The Baby Club on CBeebies, his energetic and friendly style appeal to all ages. In 2015 he started blogging on a variety of different subjects and in 2019 after writing some dad focused posts Dadvengers was born. Head to his website to find out more about him.
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