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Dad Chats Live – Being a Blind Parent in 2020

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Subjects: 8 August 2020 Talking about:- Being a blind parent.

Another Friday, another brilliant Dad Chats! This week we talked about being a disabled parent. Whether it is a physical, or mental disability, it is something that may make the parenting journey more difficult. So we asked to hear all about it. We are joined by some brilliant Dadvengers who were really open about their experiences of being a disabled parent – definitely one to watch.

Next we chatted parenting plans. A lot of parents think they will manage the different stages of child development in set ways. They have a plan, and they want to stick to it! We asked, what those plans are, and whether or not they have been working out so far.

For our light-hearted topic, we asked what your favourite dad songs are. Our crew brought the TUNES on this topic! One not to miss!

Here are the questions we asked:-

1. Added difficulties of parenting when you have a disability or condition. Maybe you are autistic, maybe you have OCD, maybe you have a physical disability. However mild or strong we want to hear about them and the methods you use to support and cope with them.

2. Parenting Plans. Many of us like to think we will parent in a certain way through each stage of our children’s developement. Do you have a plan? Did you have one? Is it going to plan? Are you ready for the teenage years? You get the idea

3. What are your favourite dad songs. This will be very interesting.

If you want to hear more about being a blind parent, you need to check out this episode of the Dadvengers Podcast with Dr Amit Patel. Dr Amit is a disability rights activist, doctor, author and father of two young children, Dr Amit had to learn to parent with a disability after losing his sight before his children were born. He tells us the serious, and funny sides of parenting with a disability, and we definitely recommend listening in.

Use the player above to listen to Dadvengers Podcast Episode 10

View on IGTV

Part 1: Being a Blind Parent

Part 2: Parenting with a disablity

Part 3:

Enjoyed this dad chats? Got a topic you’d like us to cover? We love hearing from you – let us know what we should talk about here!

Nigel Clarke
71 posts

About author
Nigel Clarke is a British TV Presenter and the founder of Dadvengers. Known for his work on The Baby Club on CBeebies, his energetic and friendly style appeal to all ages. In 2015 he started blogging on a variety of different subjects and in 2019 after writing some dad focused posts Dadvengers was born. Head to his website to find out more about him.
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