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Dad Chats Live – Baby Changing Facilities for Men

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Dad Chats Live – 25 September 2020, Baby changing facilities for men.

Despite it being 2020, and there many a huge amount of hands on fathers in the UK, there is still al lack of baby changing facilities for men. Many places only have baby changing in the ladies bathrooms – this isn’t ok! How are dads meant to be encouraged to be hands on if they can’t comfortably change their babies when out in public? So this week, we asked your experiences of baby changing in public. We wanted to hear about the fails, the funny times, and the frustration this causes us dads. We also asked for your suggestion of what can be done to make this better for us all.

Following the great chat about curling parents, this week we delved into another parenting style… tiger parents. If you’ve never heard of it, tiger parents use an authoritarian approach to push their child toward academic excellence or success in high-status extra curricular activities. These parents are often very pushy, and extremely strict. So we asked for your thoughts on this parenting style.

For our light-hearted topic we wanted to hear about the times you’ve laughed at your children, when you shouldn’t have! We’ve all been there… our kids do something that we really shouldn’t find funny, but we can’t help but laugh anyway. Our community shared their hilarious stories. If you’re in need of a laugh, this is the dad chat for you!

Topics We Covered:

1. Tiger Parents.

2. Baby Changing Facilities for Men.

3. Times that you have laughed at your children when you shouldn’t have.

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Part 1: Baby Changing Facilities for Men.

Part 2:

Nigel Clarke
72 posts

About author
Nigel Clarke is a British TV Presenter and the founder of Dadvengers. Known for his work on The Baby Club on CBeebies, his energetic and friendly style appeal to all ages. In 2015 he started blogging on a variety of different subjects and in 2019 after writing some dad focused posts Dadvengers was born. Head to his website to find out more about him.
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